Tri-Area will celebrate our fifth anniversary since forming the new association through the merger of Eastern and Tucumcari Associations. This celebration will take place at FBC Tucumcari on Saturday, October 12th, at 4 p.m. Childcare will be provided and activities for children, with the Little Kids on Mission Gathering for k-2nd graders and the Big Kids On Mission Gathering for 3rd -6th graders. This year, the youth of our churches will be encouraged to attend with their parents or as a church group the main session.
This year's meeting will also be bilingual, with all business, music, as well as message, provided in both English and Spanish. Mario Navarro, Southern New Mexico Hispanic Strategist with the Baptist Convention of New Mexico, will be our interpreter.
In the main session, the Living Together on Mission Gathering, things will begin at 4 p.m. with a brief business session. Following that, we will have a time of worship led by the Iglesia Bautista Maranatha worship band and Roy Martin from Parkland Clovis and then hear a message/testimony brought by David Englehart. David is with the Baptist Convention of New Mexico and is the Christian Challenge Coordinator & Campus Minister at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. His focus is also on coordinating the campus ministries at all the other college campuses throughout New Mexico. David has a wonderful testimony to share that everyone needs to hear.
After David's message and an altar call, the service will be dismissed with prayer, and we will all gather in the church fellowship hall to enjoy a catered barbeque dinner. Because this meal will be catered, we need to know how many to expect from each church by Monday, September 30th.
You can register your folks by clicking HERE. You are free to update your registration up through September 30th.
Remember, although each Tri-Area church can send 5 voting messengers, you can bring as big a group as you want. Everyone's welcome! So bring a busload!